Traditional plastics

Classical plastics produced from fossil resources have their use in many areas of life. The basic characteristic of plastic products is their low mass in comparison to other materials' mass with relatively low density. Plastics show excellent thermal and electrical insulating properties and resistance to corrosion. They are formed in different shapes and can be mixed with other materials. Also, their properties can be easily modified and custom made by adding other components. 

World's production of plastics has reached 280 million tons in 2011 and it has been constantly increasing at an average rate of 9% per year since the 1950s.

Because of their versatility, plastics are used in almost every area of life. The most widespread applications include packaging, construction, transport, electric and electronic industry, agriculture, medicine etc. The fact that the application of plastics is almost unlimited and the properties adaptable to any requirement, is an answer to why plastics are a source of innovation in all areas of life.   We have become so dependent on products that we use every day that we neglect the fact about their harmful impact on our health and the environment. 

Plastics represent a global ecological and environmental problem. It makes up to 90% of the ocean waste. The Pacific Ocean is the most polluted with 100 million tons of floating plastic waste. Plastic waste destroys ecosystems of the Ocean, defiles water supplies and causes death to hundreds of thousands birds and marine animals every year. Besides illegal dumps, organized disposal sites are also a big problem because it takes about a thousand years for plastics to decompose, while incineration creates hazardous atmospheric emission and toxic ashes. Due to this, more and more recycling drives are being opened and reduction of plastic products use is being promoted.


Recycling is a wide term which refers to segregating of materials from waste and it´s re-use. It includes aggregation, segregation, processing and production of new products out of used material. It is very important to segregate waste by type and make all waste streams reusable if collected properly. 

Worldwide and in our country there are special centers for aggregation and recycling of waste which is then assorted and sent to specialized producers. The producers process the material in detail and produce raw material of the same quality as the prime or original material (most commonly from non renewable resources such as fossil fuels).

Exclusively licensed collectors of PE waste supply our company with waste. We clean, process and melt the waste in a machine line system called the regeneration. Finally we obtain clean, dry, high quality granulate (material) which is, in further process of  extrusion, being converted into  new polyethylene or polypropylene products like plastic bags and films. After use, if it is collected properly, it can be regenerated again.


Bioplastics is a concise and appropriate name for biodegradable plastics whose parts are composed entirely or almost entirely from renewable biomass sources. Traditional plastics, such as plastics based on fossil fuel, is derived from oil or natural gas, and the production of such plastics has a tendency to require more fuel and produces more emissions than the production of the biopolymers (bioplastics). Ultimately it can be obtained from starch, cellulose, algae, oil, sugar, and a number of other raw materials. In the overall use of plastics, the share of bioplastics is less than 1%. There are biodegradable and biobased plastics.

Biodegradable plastics

The term biodegradability and/or compostability discloses a chemical process in which the micro-organisms found in the environment convert the material into natural substances such as water, carbon dioxide and compost (artificial additives are not needed). The process of biodegradability depends on environmental conditions (place of decomposition or temperature), material and use. In comparison with classic plastics, great advantage of biodegradable plastics made from renewable sources is collectability and compostability of waste materials with other organic waste fractions.

Biobased plastics

Plastics can be fully or partially based on biomass (renewable source). Potential biomass for plastics is corn, sugar cane or cellulose. The use of renewable resources should lead to greater sustainability of plastics due to the lower carbon trace (carbon footprint). Although fossil resources are natural, they are not degradable and are not considered as basis for bio-based plastics. 

Today, much attention is given to the concept of sustainable development, that is, "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"(World Commission on Environment and Development’s report "Our Common Future", 1987). For transition to sustainable development many problems must be solved and one of the most important is the search for alternative raw material sources.

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